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Car Rental Tips

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Rental car in Crete – Basics

For individual travellers, a rental car on Crete is certainly the most comfortable way of getting around. One is independent of the not necessarily for the tourism developed public local traffic and very flexibly on the way, even in abandoned areas, of which Crete offers still so some.

Therefore, here are some tips for car rental in Crete.

There are countless car rental companies on Crete, starting from very small businesses with only a handful of vehicles up to the big international companies like Hertz, Sixt, Avis, Europcar or even Goldcar.

Equally large is the number of different brokers, who mediate from this huge pot of car rental companies to partly own terms and conditions.

Our recommendation: In principle, a rental vehicle should be rented before arrival. Prices and conditions can be easily compared and offers can be obtained via the Internet. Directly at the airport or also locally at the vacation destination a search is lengthy, one puts oneself unnecessarily under pressure and pays definitely usually too much.

From our own, long-standing Crete experience with different rental car providers, we only recommend local companies who have proven themselves with quality and service for us.

This has several advantages: Local, Cretan hirers are usually much more committed than international companies or brokers, moreover, the money earned with the rental cars remains completely on Crete and benefits the people working and living there. This has become a very important aspect for us.

What should I pay attention to when renting?

As mentioned above, it is important to have complete insurance, i.e. theft, liability and fully comprehensive insurance without excess.

This should be self-evident nowadays, but there are still regrettable exceptions.

It is important to consider whether to include insurance for the underbody. Also this insurance is included in the price for some companies, for others again not at all lockable. By the way, you should be aware that according to the rental contract, you are usually not allowed to drive on unpaved roads, not even with a so-called “off-road vehicle”.

A very important aspect: with many local companies, no credit card or deposit is required when taking out a fully comprehensive insurance policy without deductible, in contrast to most international car rental copanies!

Please also note the different regulations on refuelling before car return:Don’t get involved in such nonsense as “getting full, leaving empty”. “Full/full” and “empty/empty” are much fairer, as no absurd prices are charged for fuel fillings.

In the case of “full/full” it is also fair to return the vehicle really full and not to drive 50-100km after the last refuelling. Car rental companies unfortunately complain about this very often. :-(

Last but not least: Always have a look at the reviews on the internet!

Many of the really inexpensive providers, especially the “The Best Car Rentals” from Heraklion, which we always recommend first, are often booked out very quickly during the season, at least for the smaller vehicle categories. Therefore it is worthwhile to try to find a rental car in time before the season.

Those who book at the last minute unfortunately often (and sometimes clearly) pay for it.

Our car rental recommendations on Crete

From our own experience we recommend two COMPANIES with whom we or our friends have always had good experiences and who all meet our requirements for a fair car rental company formulated above quite completely.

The Best Car Rentals

The Best Car Rentals ( from Heraklion (and not to be confused with the car rental of the same name from Rethymnon!) rents vehicles exclusively via the Internet.

It is a local Cretan car rental company who is preferred by many of our friends and acquaintances who are also on holiday in Crete. The value for money is great, the rental cars have full insurance including tyres, glass, mirrors and underbody, no credit card and no deposit required!

Another treat: gravel road insurance is offered for individual vehicle classes for a small surcharge, so that you can drive to Balos or on other unpaved roads, for example, without any worries.

Can it get any better? Yes, because with the discount code/voucher KALAMAKI4FRIENDS there is also a 5% discount.

You can book here:

The Best Car Rentals Heraklion

justrentals (*)

is a large car rental company from Heraklion, which, in contrast to The Best, also offers rentals in Chania at no extra charge.

And the best:  At justrentals there is 5% discount on the rental price with the coupon code auto18.

The voucher can be entered in the last step of the booking process:

Justrentals Car Rental – Crete (*)


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This post is also available in: Deutsch (German)

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